Points breakdown
97 / 100
on Feb. 25, 2023, 2:14 a.m.
weighted 100% (39pp)
100 / 100
on Feb. 25, 2025, 5:22 a.m.
weighted 90% (18pp)
100 / 100
on Aug. 18, 2024, 5:07 p.m.
weighted 81% (16pp)
25 / 25
on Feb. 12, 2024, 3:28 a.m.
weighted 77% (15pp)
100 / 100
on Nov. 21, 2023, 10:30 p.m.
weighted 66% (13pp)
15 / 15
on Nov. 8, 2023, 10:59 p.m.
weighted 63% (13pp)
AAC (199 points)
ACC (72 points)
APIO (49 points)
Problem | Score |
APIO '07 P1 - Mobiles | 12 / 12 |
APIO '10 P2 - Patrol | 20 / 20 |
APIO '12 P1 - Dispatching | 17 / 17 |
Baltic OI (143 points)
BlueBook (82 points)
CCC (1323.500 points)
CCO (474.500 points)
CEOI (74 points)
China NOI (47.500 points)
Classics (57 points)
COCI (1460 points)
Data Structure Tests (35 points)
Problem | Score |
Binary Indexed Tree Test | 10 / 10 |
Disjoint Set Test | 10 / 10 |
Segment Tree Test | 15 / 15 |
DMOPC (1112.900 points)
DWITE (103 points)
ECOO (58 points)
EGOI (93 points)
FHC (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Facebook Hacker Cup '15 Round 1 P2 - Autocomplete | 10 / 10 |
GFSSOC (35 points)
Problem | Score |
GFSSOC '14 Winter J5 - Pursuit of Knowledge | 10 / 10 |
GFSSOC '15 Fall S2 - Hearth | 5 / 5 |
GFSSOC '15 Fall S4 - Mostly Talking | 15 / 15 |
GFSSOC '15 Winter S1 - OR-deal | 5 / 5 |
ICPC (84 points)
IOI (144 points)
JOI (52 points)
Mock CCC (343.700 points)
Mock CCO (69 points)
MWC (24 points)
Problem | Score |
MWC '15 #1 P5: Love Guru | 7 / 7 |
MWC '15 #2 P2: Towering Towers | 10 / 10 |
MWC '15 #3 P3: Bad News | 7 / 7 |
Olympiads School (82 points)
SAC Coding Challenge (92 points)
Seasonal (218.700 points)
TLE (74 points)
TSOC (48 points)
Uncategorized (1334.637 points)
VM7WC (114 points)
WAC (21 points)
Waterloo Local (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Waterloo 2017 Winter B - Vera and LCS | 10 / 10 |