Our heroes, Mirko and Slavko, plant Christmas wheat every year on Saint Lucy's Day. It is well known that stalks of wheat grow at different speeds so, after a certain time, the wheat becomes quite messy. The guys are determined to solve this problem by playing the following game:
- When it's Mirko's turn, he chooses the leftmost stalk of wheat with the minimal height and prolongs its height so it's of the same height as the first leftmost stalk longer than it.
- When it's Slavko's turn, he chooses the rightmost stalk of wheat with the maximal height and cuts it to be of the same height as the first rightmost stalk shorter than it.
- The game lasts while there are at least three stalks of different heights and the loser is the player who can't make his move.
For given heights of all stalks of wheat and the assumption that Mirko is the one starting the game, determine the winner of the game and the height of the shortest and longest stalk when the game is finished.
The first line of input contains the integer
, the number of wheat stalks.
The second line of input contains space separated integers that denote the heights of individual wheat stalks. The height of each stalk will be less than or equal to
The first line of output must contain the word Mirko
if Mirko is the winner of the game, or Slavko
if Slavko is the winner of the game.
The second line of output must contain the height of the shortest and longest stalk when the game is finished.
In test cases worth 50% of total points, it will hold .
In test cases worth 80% of total points, it will hold .
Sample Input 1
3 3 3
Sample Output 1
3 3
Explanation for Sample Output 1
Mirko can't make his move because there are no three stalks of different heights. Therefore, Slavko is the winner.
Sample Input 2
3 1 2 1
Sample Output 2
1 2
Sample Input 3
2 1 3 3 5 4 1
Sample Output 3
2 3
Why am i getting this message?https://postimg.cc/image/foqgh7v5z/ Is TreeMap not allowed?
I believe that message appears when you try to submit a Java program with 2 public classes. Just make one of them not public and things should be okay...
I just tested a bit and I think that Pšenica(probably the š) being in the public class name causes this to happen.
Issue is resolved, you can now use all valid Java classnames.
Does "first stalk longer than it" in the problem statement mean the leftmost stalk longer than it or a shortest stalk longer than it?
Yes, it means the shortest stalk longer than it.