IOI '14 - Taipei, Taiwan
Place tiles on the floor
We have a by
floor with
unit squares. Each square can be identified by its
(both from
). We want to cover this floor with four
types of
L-shaped tiles, as shown in the following figure. The
tiles cannot overlap, and they can only be placed on the grid boundary. In
addition, there is exactly a square that we cannot cover with tiles.
Please find a way to cover the entire floor with tiles.
In the following example we have and
squares. The blue square
cannot be covered by any tile. This figure shows a possible
way to cover the floor. To identify a tile we will use the
coordinates. For example, the green tile in the figure can be identified
, and

Write a program to cover the floor with tiles.
Input Specification
The input consists of one line with integers
, and
indicates that the size of the floor is
the coordinates of the square that cannot be covered with tiles.
Output Specification
The output should consist of a list of tile positions. Each line of the
output should contain six space-separated integers ,
, and
to describe the position of one
tile. For example, if we want to place the green tile as the first tile,
we can output the integers
, and
. The three squares of a
tile can appear in any order, so we can also set them as
. The tiles can also appear in any order.
Sample Input 1
1 0 0
Sample Output 1
0 1 1 0 1 1
Sample Input 2
1 1 0
Sample Output 2
0 0 0 1 1 1