Bob wants to build a house along a river. Unfortunately some parts of the river are occupied by animals and cannot be used. Please write a program to help Bob to calculate the length of the longest continuous river segment that is NOT occupied by any animals.
You can think of the river as a line of length from position
to position
. There are
animals, each animal occupies a continuous river segment from position
. Note that the segments occupied by animals may be overlapping. Output
if the whole river is occupied by animals.
Input Specification
- The first line contains an integer
that represents the length of the river.
- The second line contains an integer
that represents the number of animals.
- Following are
lines. Each line contains two integers
that represent the river segment occupied by one animal.
Output Specification
The length of longest continuous river segment that is not occupied by any animals.
Sample Input 1
0 2
3 5
Output for Sample Input 1
Sample Input 2
2 5
4 7
Output for Sample Input 2
Sample Input 3
0 5
5 10
Output for Sample Input 3
For Sample 1, as 0-2 and 3-5 are occupied, the only remaining part is 2-3.
For Sample 2, the remaining parts are 0-2 and 7-10.
why my code cannot run
Can someone check my code? I really don't know what I did wrong. ಥ_ಥ
are all the test cases where the start of the next segment is always larger than the start of the previous segment of animal occupation?
For anyone that cannot seem to solve all the test cases, the segment occupied by the animal is from [s, t) (from s to t - 1).