Luke (perhaps Skywalker) is a passionate computer science student. He receives as homework the following task:
Given a sequence of
integers, determine if the subsequence from
inclusive is a Great Sequence. A Great Sequence is a sequence whose sum is strictly greater than
Luke thought this is too easy, so he has thought up a new challenge: he'd like to know if a subsequence is an Amazing Sequence. An Amazing Sequence is a Great Sequence in which the integers and
appear. Given his original sequence, he'd like to answer
queries, determining if a subsequence is an Amazing Sequence.
For all subtasks:
Subtask 1 [30%]
Subtask 2 [70%]
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain the space-separated integers ,
The second line of input will contain
space-separated integers representing the sequence.
For the last
lines, line
will contain query
in the format
Output Specification
For each query, print Yes
if the subsequence is an Amazing Sequence, No
Sample Input
5 6 3
1 3 4 5 6
3 6 2 5
1 4 1 4
5 6 1 3
Sample Output
Dropped time limit to 0.2s to kill vectorized cheese.
What is wrong with my program? Second subtask passes