Points breakdown
41 / 41
on Oct. 23, 2020, 10:12 p.m.
weighted 100% (15pp)
200 / 200
on Sept. 16, 2020, 11:30 p.m.
weighted 95% (14pp)
100 / 100
on Aug. 26, 2020, 10:46 p.m.
weighted 90% (14pp)
100 / 100
on July 31, 2020, 3:38 p.m.
weighted 86% (13pp)
120 / 120
on July 22, 2020, 10:57 p.m.
weighted 81% (12pp)
100 / 100
on Jan. 11, 2020, 12:04 a.m.
weighted 77% (12pp)
100 / 100
on Jan. 5, 2020, 11:36 p.m.
weighted 74% (11pp)
15 / 15
on Dec. 27, 2020, 9:16 p.m.
weighted 66% (8.0pp)
ACC (7 points)
Problem | Score |
Another Contest 3 Problem 3 - Lexicographically Largest Common Subsequence | 7 / 7 |
Baltic OI (20 points)
Problem | Score |
Baltic OI '07 P3 - Sound | 10 / 10 |
Baltic OI '18 P2 - Martian DNA | 10 / 10 |
CCC (646.850 points)
CCO (17 points)
Problem | Score |
CCO '12 P1 - Choose Your Own Arithmetic | 7 / 7 |
CCO '18 P1 - Geese vs. Hawks | 10 / 10 |
CEOI (7 points)
Problem | Score |
CEOI '19 Practice P1 - Count Squares | 7 / 7 |
Classics (44 points)
Problem | Score |
Next Prime | 5 / 5 |
HopScotch II | 12 / 12 |
Longest Common Subsequence | 7 / 7 |
Longest Increasing Subsequence | 10 / 10 |
Unique Elements | 3 / 3 |
Single Source Shortest Path | 7 / 7 |
COCI (181.636 points)
Data Structure Tests (20 points)
Problem | Score |
Binary Indexed Tree Test | 10 / 10 |
Disjoint Set Test | 10 / 10 |
DMOPC (356.800 points)
DWITE (73 points)
ECOO (37.600 points)
FHC (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Facebook Hacker Cup '15 Round 2 P1 - Lazy Sort | 10 / 10 |
GFSSOC (46 points)
ICPC (29 points)
Problem | Score |
ICPC PACNW 2016 A - Alphabet | 7 / 7 |
ICPC PACNW 2016 C - Cameras | 7 / 7 |
ICPC PACNW 2016 J - Shopping | 15 / 15 |
IOI (15 points)
Problem | Score |
IOI '01 P1 - Mobile Phones | 15 / 15 |
Mock CCC (86.800 points)
Mock CCO (40 points)
MWC (33.300 points)
Problem | Score |
MWC '15 #1 P2: Postcard | 3 / 3 |
MWC '15 #1 P5: Love Guru | 7 / 7 |
MWC '15 #2 P2: Towering Towers | 10 / 10 |
MWC '15 #3 P3: Bad News | 6.300 / 7 |
MWC '15 #4 P4: Dealing with Knots | 7 / 7 |
Olympiads School (21 points)
Problem | Score |
DMOJLand Series: Fake Judges | 7 / 7 |
Mynerva | 7 / 7 |
OCC '19 S3 - NAN Language | 7 / 7 |
Seasonal (92 points)
TLE (25 points)
Problem | Score |
TLE '15 P1 - Power Rankings | 5 / 5 |
TLE '16 Contest 4 P1 - Stack of Presents | 5 / 5 |
TLE '16 Contest 6 (Mock CCC) S1 - Writing the CCC | 5 / 5 |
TLE '16 Contest 7 P4 - Abstract Problem | 10 / 10 |
TSOC (19 points)
Problem | Score |
TSOC '15 Contest 1 #5 - Giant Ants | 7 / 7 |
TSOC '15 Contest 2 #5 - Bebiliths | 5 / 5 |
TSOC '16 Contest 1 #4 - Alex and Animal Rights | 7 / 7 |
Uncategorized (476 points)
VM7WC (59 points)
WAC (7 points)
Problem | Score |
Wesley's Anger Contest 5 Problem 2 - MATH 137 at Squirreloo | 7 / 7 |
Waterloo Local (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Waterloo 2017 Winter B - Vera and LCS | 10 / 10 |
Woburn Challenge (27 points)
Problem | Score |
WC '15 Finals S2 - Hydration | 10 / 10 |
WC '18 Contest 1 S2 - Essay Generator | 7 / 7 |
WC '18 Contest 4 S1 - World of StarCraft | 10 / 10 |