Angie is going shopping!
She has different types of coins in her pocket, with the
type of coin being worth
dollars, and she's going to
stores. From the
store, she wants to buy
dollars worth of stuff from store
, but store
only accepts the first
types of coins in her pocket!
Can you help her figure out the minimum number of coins to pay for each transaction in exact change?
Note that for the purpose of this problem, Angie has an infinite number of each type of coin.
Input Specification
The first line of input consists of and
, separated by a space.
The next line contains space separated integers containing the values
The next lines of input each contain the space separated integers
Output Specification
There are lines of output, with each line containing the minimum amount of coins needed to satisfy the payment in the
If the transaction cannot be satisfied however, print
Note for Python users: To pass this question using Python you must select the PyPy interpreter instead of the normal one.
Sample Input 1
6 3
7 10 15 2 3 24
107 3
12 4
24 2
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample Output 1
Transaction 1: coins with
coin with
, and
coin worth
Transaction 2: coin worth
, and
coin worth
Transaction 3: coin worth
, and
coins worth
All that needs to be noted here is that for the third transaction, even though she has a coin worth the third store won't accept it.
Sample Input 2
4 3
11 15 3 1
6 2
15 1
7 4
Sample Output 2
Explanation for Sample Output 2
Transactions 1 and 2: Not possible.
Transaction 3: coins worth
, and
coin worth
Note that the first transaction cannot be completed without the third type of coin and the second one cannot be completed without the second type of coin.
Any explanation as to why I'm getting Java Out of Memory error for my code? Source:
You use too much memory
Edit: see
My submission got "failed initialising" on c++17, but my code runs fine in visual studio. Does anyone know what I can do about this?
int dpTable[2 * 1000][10001]
uses 2000 x 10001 x sizeof(int) = ~80MB, which by itself already exceeds the 32MB memory limit.I'm getting a
in c after problem 2. Are there any ways to improve the algorithm.There are indeed many ways to improve your algorithm. Try to work out the time complexity to see why you TLE, and how you should fix it.
My current runtime is
is the number of coins used and
is the target to achieve.
What do you mean by "target to achieve"? If you mean the cost of an item, please note that there are multiple queries for this question. Running an
algorithm for each item would be insufficient.
The algorithm described is for each query. Each query takes
why am i getting invalid return on the first case?
idk my code works for the two sample inputs for some reason aaa
Still TLEing in PyPy3, any way to improve my algorithm? Thanks in advance!
tle with pypy3 but ac (in 23sec) with pypy2, with the very same code... i suppose that the time limit is not for pypy3, and/or you expected to do some magic...
No, you just got unlucky with the judges. Resubmit a couple of times and it'll AC.
Same thing happens with PyPy 2, might I add.
My code gets worst case ~1.3s with PyPy3