PEG Test – Oct 3rd, 2014
Korra is trying to restore balance to the world. But before that, she
must restore balance in some numbers. Given
numbers, Korra wants to split them into two (possibly empty) groups,
such that their sums are as close as possible.
Output the minimum difference between the two groups of numbers.
Input Specification
The first line will contain the integer , representing the number of
numbers Korra has.
The second line will contain positive integers (each no greater than
), the numbers that Korra is trying to split.
Output Specification
Output a single line containing a single integer – the minimum difference of the sum of the two groups of numbers.
Sample Input 1
8 12 16 100 20
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
1 8 5 9 7 2 3 4 6
Sample Output 2