38 problems solved
Rank by points: #925
Total points:
1 contest written
Rank by rating: #7105
Rating: 555
Min. rating: 555
Max rating: 555
From William Lyon Mackenzie C.I.
ez pp farm
The following lists are inspired by Ninjaclasher who was probably inspired by d. My list is the best because it has nice arrows.
Overrated Problems
- Terminus Est (50 → 40)
- Mine and Tree (40 → 30)
- Kirito (25 → 20)
- K-th Rank Student (25 → 20)
- Ellis Fahrengart (25 → 20)
- Escape Maze (25 → 20)
- Raider (25 → 20)
- Inaho (20 → 17)
- Dreaming (20 → 17)
- GENESIS (20 → 15)
- BST (20 → 15)
- Stalactites (17 → 10)
- Black and White (15 → 12)
- Wireless (15 → 12)
- Bit Matrix (15 → 12)
- Sawmill Scheme (15 → 10 + 2)
- Tourney (15 → 12)
- Reorganization (15 → 12)
- Shop and Ship (15 → 10)
- A Romantic Dinner (15 → 10)
- Uniting the Earth Empire (15 → 10)
- Substrings (15 → 7) (or stronger constraints) (see School Traversal)
- RoboThieves (12 → 10) (sorry)
- Chances of Winning (12 → 10)
- Winning at Sports (12 → 10)
Underrated Problems
- Database (20 → 25) (not because it's hard, but because you have to suffer to solve it)
- Old Christmas Lights (17 → 20)
- Werewolf (17 → 20)
- A Classic Problem (10 → 12)
- Harvest (7 → 10)
Good people (At WLM)
- Ninjaclasher
- richardyi25 (retired)
- insignificant
- Jeffmagma
- lingbane
(there are more good people but I don't know anyone)
Rating history
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