411 problems solved
Rank by points: #436
Total points:
7 contests written
Rank by rating: #1673
Rating: 1559
Min. rating: 1168
Max rating: 1559
From Olympiads School, Foxen, William Lyon Mackenzie C.I.
There is a pickle on the third floor of your basement
Problems I have the fastest submission to:
- DMOPC '17 Contest 3 P0 - 2-Satisfiability
- Starry Nights
- DMOPC '17 Contest 3 P1 - An Early Christmas Present
- CCC '18 S4 - Balanced Trees
- Lexicographically Least Substring (Hard)
- VM7WC '16 #1 Gold - Russian Palindrome Cultivation
Problems I have the top 5 fastest submissions to:
Rating history
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