OTHS Coding Competition 3 (Mock CCC)

Welcome to the third OTHS Coding Competition! This contest will follow the same format as the Canadian Computing Competition (CCC).
There will be 5 problems, the difficulty of which will be around that of CCC senior.
The contest organizer is
.The problem setters are
and .Special thanks to
, , , , , , , , , and for testing and feedback on the problems.The contest will run from February 13th, 00:00 EST to February 19th, 00:00 EST. After the contest window begins, you may begin at any time. Your personal timer will start counting down, and you will be able to submit until 3 hours from when you started, or until the hard deadline, whichever comes first.
Here are the parameters of the contest:
- Contest duration: 3 hours.
- Number of problems: 5, full feedback (you will see the results of your submissions instantly).
- Each problem will be worth 15 marks, and may have partial marks in the form of subtasks.
- Scoreboard will be hidden until your window is over.
- Number of submissions allowed per problem: 50.
- Checkers for problems:
, unless otherwise specified. - This contest is unrated.
- It is guaranteed that all problems will be solvable with C++.
Problem | Points | AC Rate | Users | Editorials |
OTHS Coding Competition 3 (Mock CCC) S1 - The 5th Laboratory | 5 | 21.5% | 142 | |
OTHS Coding Competition 3 (Mock CCC) S2 - Together Forever | 7p | 13.8% | 73 | |
OTHS Coding Competition 3 (Mock CCC) S3 - Domain Expansion | 10p | 29.5% | 61 | |
OTHS Coding Competition 3 (Mock CCC) S4 - Magic Library | 15p | 12.8% | 24 | Editorial |
OTHS Coding Competition 3 (Mock CCC) S5 - World Tree | 15p | 20.7% | 21 |
Holy orz
not cool
orz Ivan_Li my lord and saviour