736 problems solved
Rank by points: #223
Total points:
10 contests written
Rank by rating: #798
Rating: 1901
Min. rating: 1008
Max rating: 1901
From Bayview S.S., Olympiads School, WOSS Dual Olympiad 2024, St. Robert C.H.S., Mahou Shoujou, Coding Bowl
retired from competitive programming
friends = {"school": [Humanthe2nd, PythonshellDebugwindow, yujhtheyujh, justinw_1, leiterally, RandomPerson123, polarity], "olympiads": [htoshiro, weewoo14, volcano, ostrichthattypes, vsarca, kevlu8, CubixularHelix, kuruluu]}
orz bruce, kuruluu, CubixularHelix, polarity
first Python AC: bitmask moment https://dmoj.ca/src/7057028
Some of my problems
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/xdiagonal my first problem on dmoj, a bit of implementation pain
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/othscc1p4 was meant to be dp until I realized the
~O(n)~ solution
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/othscc1p5 could've been a dp and bitmask problem if it had different constraints (and if I knew dp well enough back then)
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/othscc2p4 was meant to be a 15p+ data structure question but the ideas were too template
- data structure test go brrr https://dmoj.ca/contest/othscc3 editorials soon hopefully
- Feb 2023: 66/75 on CCC Junior
- Dec 2023: promoted to USACO silver (724/1000)
- Feb 2024: 34/75 on CCC Senior 💀
- Jan 2025: promoted to USACO gold (778/1000)
- Feb 2025: 57/75 on CCC Senior (bruh no CCO)
- retired from competitive programming
Rating history
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