106 problems solved
Rank by points: #165
Total points:
2 contests written
Rank by rating: #19
Rating: 3004
Min. rating: 2679
Max rating: 3004
From ##996......, University of Waterloo, EOI, Carnegie Mellon University
Working in the silver mining industry for more than two and half decades.
- 2024: ICPC WF22: coach for CMU team that got 2 first-to-solve prizes and ranked 22nd. Also head trainer for NAPC22, with 2 teams getting 2nd place and silver medal last place.
- 2023: on-site coach for CMU ICPC team (4fecta, BucketPotato, kobortor) that placed 2nd and received silver medal at the ICPC North America Championship Contest.
- 2022: on-site coach for CMU ICPC team that received silver medal at the ICPC World Finals.
- 2022: coauthor of the second almost-linear time neg-weighted shortest path paper presented at a conference.
- 2021: advisor for GT ICPC team that received silver medal at the North American Championship, for second year in a row.
- 2020: advisor for GT ICPC team that placed 2nd (w. silver medal) at the North American Championship.
- 2018: silver medal distributor at IOI.
- 2018: NAIPC online open division 2nd place team, after tying first place team in problems AND penalty minutes.
- 2017: TLE `17 December 2nd place.
- 2017: DMOPC `17 December 2nd place.
- 2017: silver medal distributor at IOI.
- 2015: silver medal distributor at IOI.
- 2014: deputy leader for US IOI team, whose total score ranked 2nd overall.
- 2013: second input-sparsity time framework for solving regression problems.
- 2010: second nearly-linear time Laplacian solver, running time:
- 2009: Croatian Olympiad in Informatics online round 2nd place.
- 2008: Waterloo Local Programming Contest, Spring, 2nd place.
- 2008: TopCoder SRM 405 2nd place.
- 2007: Waterloo Local Programming Contest, Fall 1, 2nd place.
- 2006: IOI silver medal.
- 2006: USAICO (USACO Camp) silver medal.
- 2006: CCC stage 2 2nd place.
- 2006: ECOO regional contest 2nd place.
- 2006: CMC Euclid contest group 2.
- 2005: IMO silver medal.
- 2005: ECOO 2nd place.
- 2005: CMO 2nd place.
- 2005: CCC stage 2 2nd place.
- 2004: IOI silver medal.
- 2004: ECOO boardwide contest 2nd place.
- 2003: ECOO regional contest 2nd place.
- 2002: CCC Junior division group 2.
- 2001: CMC Pascal contest 2nd place.
- 1999: Jiangsu NOIP elementary school division 2nd place.
Rating history
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