227 problems solved
Rank by points: #563
Total points:
8 contests written
Rank by rating: #3032
Rating: 1265
Min. rating: 815
Max rating: 1276
From Vincent Massey S.S., University of Waterloo
Just some random dude at a random school. Nothing much really. What are you even doing here on my profile?
Currently dreading taking SBI3UN and AMI3M, very small-brained (possibly non-existent brain). How do I manage to do CS? I have no clue.
1 question/day keeps the incompetence away
Time to burnout work hard and do at least 21 questions/week, resulting in an average of 3 questions/day. Hopefully, that'll get me to greater than 30 on CCC (well if I actually did partial of questions and not spending 2 hours on S3 then sure).
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