126 problems solved
Rank by points: #2540
Total points:
5 contests written
Rank by rating: #2431
Rating: 1381
Min. rating: 1237
Max rating: 1388
From Markville S.S., Mahou Shoujou
discord: potato_nuggets#7216
good people
- fastest solution on https://dmoj.ca/problem/denoun/rank/
fastest solution on https://dmoj.ca/problem/seed2/rank/(july 9 2020 - july 12 2020)fastest solution on https://dmoj.ca/problem/gfsspc1p4/rank/(july 11 2020 - july 16 2020)- fastest solution on https://dmoj.ca/problem/rgpc18p2/rank/
fastest solution on https://dmoj.ca/problem/sort1/rank/(july 15 2020 - aug 14 2020)fastest solution on https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc07j5/rank/(july 29 2020 - aug 6 2020)
- acquired dmoj account (july 3 2020)
- 1pp problem (july 3 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/helloworld)
- 3pp problem (july 3 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/aplusb)
- 5pp problem (july 3 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc13j2)
- 7pp problem (july 5 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/shortest1)
- 50 weighted pp (july 5 2020)
- real 7pp problem (july 11 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/gfsspc1p4)
- 100 weighted pp (july 12 2020)
- 10pp problem (july 19 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc12s5)
- 12pp problem (august 3 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc13c1p4)
- acquired blue name (august 10 2020, https://dmoj.ca/contest/wac5)
- 3 digit (august 16 2020)
- 200 weighted pp (august 19 2020)
- 15pp problem (november 6 2020, https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc09s4)
- be able to do harder 5pp problems [X]
- be able to do 7pp problem thats not python infinite loop [X]
- acquire 100 weighted pp [X]
- become rank 2000 [X]
- become 3 digit [X]
- solve a total of 50 problems [X]
- solve 10pp problem [X]
- solve 12pp problem [X]
- acquire blue name [X]
- acquire 200 weighted pp [X]
- solve 15pp problem [X]
- ur mom
Rating history
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