113 problems solved
Rank by points: #3426
Total points:
2 contests written
Rank by rating: #2807
Rating: 1312
Min. rating: 1306
Max rating: 1312
From Thornhill S.S.
A grade 11 student as for early 2022.
Knows how to program in python and java.
(messed with C++ a bit but was mostly unsuccessful)
Likes to play tetr.io and valorant.
Enjoys electronic music.
Lost the account lHarryl and had to start over ;-;
Cool People
Check out:
People that inspired me to begin coding and helped me out from time to time.
- 2020/06/30: Account Created.
- 2020/07/03: 100 points.
- 2020/07/08: 50 problems solved.
- 2020/08/08: First rated contest.
- 2020/08/11: First 12-point problem (Hockey Score).
- 2020/08/11: 150 points.
- 2020/09/03: 100 problems solved.
Rating history
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