Points breakdown
50 / 50
on Feb. 21, 2024, 4:45 a.m.
weighted 90% (9.0pp)
100 / 100
on Feb. 19, 2024, 11:55 p.m.
weighted 86% (8.6pp)
15 / 15
on Feb. 19, 2024, 10:23 p.m.
weighted 81% (8.1pp)
AAC (9 points)
Problem | Score |
An Animal Contest 1 P1 - Alpaca Shapes | 3 / 3 |
An Animal Contest 2 P0 - Koala Matchmaking | 3 / 3 |
An Animal Contest 7 P1 - Squirrnect 4 | 3 / 3 |
CCC (506.900 points)
CCO (21.200 points)
Problem | Score |
CCO '00 P4 - Packet Routing | 7 / 7 |
CCO '00 P6 - Extension Cords | 6 / 12 |
CCO '01 P3 - Partitions | 2.400 / 12 |
CCO '03 P1 - BFed | 5.800 / 10 |
COCI (7 points)
Problem | Score |
COCI '15 Contest 2 #2 Geppetto | 7 / 7 |
DMOPC (25 points)
Problem | Score |
DMOPC '17 Contest 2 P3 - Bad Bunnies | 10 / 10 |
DMOPC '21 Contest 6 P3 - An Art Problem | 10 / 10 |
DMOPC '22 Contest 1 P1 - Up-down Sequence | 5 / 5 |
DWITE (7 points)
Problem | Score |
DWITE '09 R1 #5 - Running In Circles | 7 / 7 |
ECOO (5 points)
Problem | Score |
ECOO '19 R1 P1 - Free Shirts | 5 / 5 |
ICPC (3 points)
Problem | Score |
ACM U of T Tryouts C1 A - Rock Paper Scissors Fox | 3 / 3 |
IOI (3.500 points)
Problem | Score |
IOI '94 P1 - The Triangle | 3.500 / 7 |
Seasonal (7 points)
Problem | Score |
Is it a Tree? | 7 / 7 |
TLE (5 points)
Problem | Score |
TLE '17 Contest 2 P2 - Unlucky Numbers | 5 / 5 |
TSOC (14 points)
Problem | Score |
TSOC '15 Contest 1 #5 - Giant Ants | 7 / 7 |
TSOC '16 Contest 1 #4 - Alex and Animal Rights | 7 / 7 |
Uncategorized (49 points)
VM7WC (5 points)
Problem | Score |
VM7WC '16 #3 Silver - Can Shahir even get there?! | 5 / 5 |