185 problems solved
Rank by points: #1523
Total points:
1 contest written
Rank by rating: #5750
Rating: 882
Min. rating: 882
Max rating: 882
From St. George's School
Hi! I sweat DMOJ (mainly CCC problems) and Codingbat excessively. :D
-Giving PTSD to experienced programmers using my very questionable programming techniques
-Playing chess
-Bouts of 6-hour reading sessions
-Doomscrolling on yt shorts
-Doing ma3th
-Sweating French, Latin, and Trivia
-Surfing the web
-Playing Geometry Dash :)
"Anyways I swear I'm sane"
- Trentium's profile description
"Getting integer input from 6 letters 💀"
Joined Nov. 27, 2024
Rating history
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