562 problems solved
Rank by points: #59
Total points:
15 contests written
Rank by rating: #351
Rating: 2203
Min. rating: 1673
Max rating: 2203
From Bayview S.S., Mahou Shoujou, Olympiads School, UCC Coding Competition 2021, SAC Code Challenges, DMOPC Beta Testers, University of Waterloo
Chads & senpais: marsxiang5902 noYou sushi Tmaswang03
BSSCC ppl: ___________________ bigskid eggy Enming fcaiona geomty HaDerrick hiddencactus KoreaFriedChips Nettlespike Nick_Lomov Owen_The_Epic_Gamer Payne PeterWang Ryzon stampixel the_derpack
I have passed X_Ray in points for the fifth time 😎 not anymore
- (09/12/2020) Moved from 350045019, Hello, World!
- (09/20/2020) First
4030pp: Mine and Tree - (10/11/2020) First rated contest: DMOPC '20 October Contest
- (01/13/2021) 400 points!
- (02/01/2021) Yellow! (before Elo-MMR at least) DMOPC '20 January Contest
- (02/02/2021) First
5035pp: Terminus Est - (02/11/2021) 100 problems solved
- (02/24/2021) 900 volatility!
- (02/27/2021) No more 900 volatility :/
- (03/15/2021) internet points nuked :((
- (08/16/2021) No more volatility :)
- (08/31/2021) 500 points
- (02/12/2022) 300 problems solved
- (05/22/2022) 600 points
- (10/04/2022)
500 problems solvednot anymore - (01/01/2023) 500 problems solved
Rating history
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