394 problems solved
Rank by points: #413
Total points:
13 contests written
Rank by rating: #416
Rating: 2139
Min. rating: 1750
Max rating: 2242
From University of Waterloo, William Lyon Mackenzie C.I., Canadian Computing Olympiad, Olympiads School
Negative (and positive) fast integer scanning macro!
#define scan(x) do{while((_n=getchar())<45);if(_n-45)x=_n;else x=getchar();for(x-=48;47<(_=getchar());x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+_-48);if(_n<46)x=-x;}while(0)
char _, _n;
User script that displays points per problem for all users under the other details. (deprecated)
// Adds a points per problem tag
// Add your username below in quotations
var username = "aurpine";
$(function() {
var s = window.location.href;
var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xml.readyState == 4 && xml.status == 200) display(xml.responseText);
if(s === "https://dmoj.ca/user") xml.open("GET", "https://dmoj.ca/api/user/info/" + username, true);
else if(s.substr(0, 21) === "https://dmoj.ca/user/" && s.substr(s.length - 7) === "/solved") xml.open("GET", "https://dmoj.ca/api/user/info/" + s.substr(21, s.length - 28), true);
else if(s.substr(0, 21) === "https://dmoj.ca/user/") xml.open("GET", "https://dmoj.ca/api/user/info/" + s.substr(21), true);
function display(text) {
var a = JSON.parse(text).points;
var b = parseInt(document.getElementsByTagName("h4")[0].innerHTML.split(" ")[0]);
var bold = document.createElement("b");
bold.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Points per problem:"));
var box = document.getElementsByTagName("td")[0];
var subs = box.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
box.insertBefore(bold, subs);
var e2 = document.createTextNode(" " + (a / b).toFixed(2));
box.insertBefore(e2, subs);
var e3 = document.createElement("br");
box.insertBefore(e3, subs);
Rating history
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