201 problems solved
Rank by points: #1783
Total points:
7 contests written
Rank by rating: #4447
Rating: 1029
Min. rating: 892
Max rating: 1029
From STEM Yard, A.Y. Jackson S.S.
First year at AY jackson, hope to get in CCO someday. Possibly attempting to qualify for CMO, but I'm not sure if I have the iq
Orz ppl (will add more) CubixularHelix Tommy_Shan ostrichthattypes Meh494 TheRZ123
2022-04-03: Started coding (was grade 6 at the time)
2022-04-13: First 5p
2022-06-29: First 7p
2022-10-09: First 10p (Tommy_Shan carry)
CCC23: 60/75 junior, missed hr by 2 :(
2023-2024: took a long ahh break
CCC24: 15/75 senior 💀
2024-06-21: First (CubixularHelix's) 12p
December 2024: bacc from break
2025-01-19: First real 10p done by me
2025-01-29: First 15p
CCC25: 35/75 could have got 41 :|
Rating history
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