107 problems solved
Rank by points: #2568
Total points:
1 contest written
Rank by rating: #5625
Rating: 892
Min. rating: 892
Max rating: 892
From Olympiads School, Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S., Codeforces, Carnegie Mellon University
I'm a grade 10 student from PETHS. I was an ELL student. I'm bad at math.
I use c++ 23 (MINGW/GCC/Homebrew GCC) IDE: vim, neovim, sublime, vscode, clion, notepad++, nano, Idea I'm training for CCC senior. My dream is to join "CCO" My idol is Tourist, Benjiemin Qi and Wiliam Lin.
contests result: CCC 23 Junior 60 (620 / 6232).
Contact : wechat: _4373408115 Discord: 胡清浩
Put 98143b8f795a45ee74d6838525a55592a0f42b5b0a4f89f8512145c8cd2d7fb6 Welcome to add my wechat and discord!
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