335 problems solved
Rank by points: #1676
Total points:
18 contests written
Rank by rating: #2516
Rating: 1364
Min. rating: 885
Max rating: 1364
From Nepean H.S., UCC Coding Competition 2021
A ton of people seem to assume that I haven't heard of the tab key ... maybe I should humour them?
100 Problems solved 18/12/2019
200 Points 25/1/2020
200 Problems solved 7/5/2020
300 Problems solved 6/1/2021
To Do List:
CCC '07 S5 - Bowling for Numbers
CCC '99 S4 - A Knightly Pursuit
CCC '09 J4 - Signage
CCC '06 S1 - Maternity
DWITE '07 R2 #3 - Floor Plan
DMOPC '19 Contest 5 P3 - Captivating Construction Challenge
Appleby Contest '20 P3 - Ridiculous String
Formatting Fiends: ross_cleary, corgi, bigboy2
Rating history
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