477 problems solved
Rank by points: #225
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25 contests written
Rank by rating: #1602
Rating: 1583
Min. rating: 746
Max rating: 1583
From Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S., Olympiads School, Foxen
Teacher bruce
(from lvl 5)
Plasmatic,Dormi,crackersamdjam,tankibuds,Aaeria, todaybrian,
From shcool
__,TheCool1James,Bobliu,SaltyNerd, owenzhu2012,eric574,Larry,Flix360
From somewhere Tzak rating predictor https://evanzhang.me/rating/
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Top 100 now
Comrade Darcy____Liu u fought well better to have Darcys rule Dmojistan than fascist pigs
ToDO list
https://dmoj.ca/problem/stnbd4- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc09s5
https://dmoj.ca/problem/valentines18s3- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ceoi17p5
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/cco13p4
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/cco16p6
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/coci18c1p4
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/mmcc14p3
Rating history
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