261 problems solved
Rank by points: #3283
Total points:
12 contests written
Rank by rating: #4847
Rating: 983
Min. rating: 903
Max rating: 1080
From Richmond Hill H.S., UCC Coding Competition 2021, SAC Code Challenges
I started programming in Python 3 on May 8, 2019 and started using DMOJ on October 29, 2019.
I also started programming in Java 8 on January 1, 2020.
Friends/Associated Users:
- BamTargetShock is my alternate account for Python 3 (inactive).
- magicalsoup is INSANE!
- AndrewLu2004 makes me lose my brain cells.
- EdwinSun is a cool person.
- iforgotmypasswordalot is BIG rart.
- iforgotmypassagain is his alt.
- DarrenLo123 is uh oh stinky poo funny poo le monke
- Big_Yoshi is a GINORMOUS Yoshi pog.
- InkJoy has expanding galaxy brain cells.
- eggy is a bad egg.
Remember to carry a dodge item or you'll get BAM! Target Shocked
Rating history
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