678 problems solved
Rank by points: #352
Total points:
6 contests written
Rank by rating: #1482
Rating: 1616
Min. rating: 1563
Max rating: 1932
From Olympiads School, William Lyon Mackenzie C.I., WCIPEG Migration, University of Waterloo
where's the nearest bridge
As you can see from my last name, I take a lot of L's. An example here is CCC, and basically any contest in general.
orz ChrisT even though he's probably highly disappointed in me; fast forward a year and its no longer probably
astrocat879 is very :blobaww:
List of people to orz: Ninjaclasher :blobcreep: the rest is TBD
i'm lazy and there's a lot of people to add because everyone is orz compared to me
Note 1: Not stolen from anyone at all idk what you're talking about
Note 2: I don't think I'm getting yellow anytime soon...
Rating history
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