173 problems solved
Rank by points: #2870
Total points:
4 contests written
Rank by rating: #3428
Rating: 1195
Min. rating: 892
Max rating: 1195
From St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S., Algorithm Alchemists
c++, garbage python knowledge; sleepsort is literally the most efficient sorting alg
java is bad
points milestones: (m/d/y)
100 - 11/26/2023
200 - 2/6/2024
rating milestones:
Gray - Nov 7, 2023
Green - December 5, 2023
other milestones:
1/12/2024: 100 problems solved!
1/29/2024: 333/1000 usaco bronze actual throw lol
2/10/2024: 150 problems solved!
2/21/2024: choked ccc jr lol
Cool people:
Bobbychuck12 purple name, better than me :(
WhyEric python main lol (hes still better than me)
Rating history
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