
Problem Category Points AC % Users
Rat In A Maze Uncategorized 5 36.9% 189
Ray Needs Help Uncategorized 20p 23.0% 92
Raytracing Uncategorized 10p 50.5% 188
Riolku's Mock CCC S1 - Word Bot Mock CCC 3p 32.4% 453
Riolku's Mock CCC S2 - Keen Keener Sequence Mock CCC 7p 15.4% 153
Riolku's Mock CCC S2 - Keen Keener Sequence (Hard Version) Mock CCC 12 10.4% 17
Riolku's Mock CCC S3 - Mosey's Birthday Mock CCC 12p 12.0% 69
Riolku's Mock CCC S4 - Clumsy Cindy Mock CCC 12p 11.0% 76
Riolku's Mock CCC S5 - Keen Keener Multiset Mock CCC 25p 6.1% 13
A Romantic Dinner Outing Uncategorized 20 22.8% 19
James' Rectangles Uncategorized 10p 33.8% 89
Rectangle Counting Uncategorized 17p 20.7% 67
You Might be a Redneck Uncategorized 10p 8.9% 22
Find Dates Uncategorized 7 9.2% 65
Better Censor Uncategorized 7 22.0% 120
Return of the Digger Uncategorized 15p 6.5% 15
Revenge of the Digger Uncategorized 20p 33.0% 63
RGPC '17 P1 - Circle Clicking! Uncategorized 5 15.3% 145
RGPC '17 P2 - Cubes are Life Uncategorized 7p 19.6% 156
RGPC '17 P3 - Intercept Uncategorized 7 19.6% 44
RGPC '17 P4 - Snow Day Uncategorized 10p 15.8% 116
RGPC '17 P5 - Scrabble Nuts Uncategorized 12p 13.8% 230
RGPC '18 P1 - Giant Cookie Uncategorized 3 29.5% 267
RGPC '18 P2 - Performance Points Uncategorized 5 8.9% 77
RGPC '18 P3 - Chocolate Day Uncategorized 10 27.1% 322
RGPC '18 P4 - Higgs Uncategorized 15p 18.6% 42
RGPC '18 P5 - Wormhole Uncategorized 20p 10.8% 8
Richmond Green P1 - HSIUNG Uncategorized 5p 36.0% 150
Richmond Green P2 - LOL Uncategorized 3p 62.6% 234
Richmond Green P3 - ABBA Uncategorized 10p 29.9% 60
Richmond Green P4 - HEIGHT Uncategorized 7p 47.3% 226
Riddle Troll Uncategorized 10 27.9% 19
ICPC RMRC 2016 J - Stack Construction ICPC 20 35.7% 38
Road Redirection Uncategorized 17 20.1% 25
ROI '17 P4 - Travel To Metropolis Uncategorized 25p 11.8% 7
Rolling Encryption Uncategorized 10 20.7% 99
Root Solver Uncategorized 30p 5.1% 12
Recurrence Solver Uncategorized 15p 14.5% 16
RTE '16 J1 - Board Game Uncategorized 3 21.7% 305
RTE '16 J2 - Guidance Counselling Uncategorized 7p 18.5% 62
RTE '16 J3 - Mule Wars Uncategorized 5p 36.4% 59
RTE '16 S1 - Battery Pyramids Uncategorized 7p 32.2% 81
RTE '16 S2 - Fire Evacuation Plan Uncategorized 12p 14.9% 74
RTE '16 S3 - School Traversal Uncategorized 7p 20.7% 296
Rubik's Cube Solver Uncategorized 50p 0.6% 2
Ancient Castle Ruins Uncategorized 25p 2.8% 1
Rule of Lemons Uncategorized 10 16.7% 6
SAC '21 Code Challenge P1 - Shrinkage SAC Coding Challenge 3 51.4% 557
SAC '21 Code Challenge P2 - Littering SAC Coding Challenge 5p 36.2% 271
SAC '21 Code Challenge P3 - DeMello's Replacement SAC Coding Challenge 5 19.4% 207