"public static void main string array args throws IOException",
muttered to himself while doing the Code Jam. He laughed for he knows he no longer has to type that. He mastered C++. With the unfamiliar brevity of code, he aced the contest. "Round 2", he thought. Things were going well for until brought up the topic of math."Did you finish the regular polygon program?",
asked.cursed. "What's that? Is that like regular expressions? Heh. Java…"
"Are you okay?",
asked. "You've spent the last ten hours learning C++!""I am King Modulus after all."
"If you say so… But as a reminder, you had to make a program to find the exterior angle of a regular polygon with sides to 6 decimal places."
"Does mod apply here?"
"Just google it."
"You noob!",
chimed in.Input Specification
A single integer
Output Specification
The exterior angle in degrees of a regular polygon with sides. Your answer will be accepted within an error range of
Sample Input
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
The exterior angle of a regular triangle is .
are you daydreaming again?!", his math teacher yelled.