DMOPC '14 Exam Time
Update: Thank you to all who participated!
If you were not able to take part (probably due to actual exams), below are the problems for you to solve post-contest:
French Homework
Physics Duel
Chemistry Homework
Exam Delay
Happy Teachers
Math Homework
Welcome to the first Don Mills Open Programming Competition of 2015! (DMOPC'14 represents the 2014-15 school year) There were initially no plans for a January Contest due to exams, which is why
came up with a contest based on exams! Therefore you may think of this as the January Contest, except that it will be 5 hours long rather than the usual 3 (the difficulty will remain similar to previous DMOPCs and it should take most participants less than an hour to solve the first 3 problems).The problem writer this time is
Back in the days students were forced to choose between studying for their school exams and participating in programming contests. No more will they have to endure such harsh conditions! With the creation of the Exam Time Contest, you can prepare for your exams as you complete the questions in this contest.
Subjects you'll be preparing for include:
- French
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Math
And of course, Computer Science
Moreover, what was supposed to be an ordinary exam week at Don Mills takes a turn for the extraordinary in the last problems.
Before the contest date, you may wish to check out the tips and help pages.
After joining the contest, proceed to the Problems tab to begin. You can also go to Users should you wish to see the rankings.
We have listed below some advice as well as contest strategies:
- Start from the beginning. Ties will be broken by the sum of times used to solve the problems starting from the beginning of the contest.
- Although the six problems are ordered by difficulty note that they are weighted equally in the contest.
- It is strongly advised to run your code on your own computer with the sample input we provide before submitting. It's faster to find and fix mistakes at this stage rather than submitting and waiting only to find out that your solution doesn't compile.
- Remove all extra debugging code and/or input prompts from your code before submitting. The judge is very strict — it requires your output to match exactly.
- Do not pause program execution at the end. The judging process is automated. You should use
to perform input / output, respectively. - Ensure your program works with the sample input, however, just because it works with the sample input doesn't guarantee that it will earn full points. Read the problem statement very carefully to look for things you may have missed on the first read-through. It is not forbidden — in fact, even encouraged to make your own test cases to debug your program on.
- If you're stuck on a problem, or are getting most of the partial marks, you can simply proceed to the next question. There are some people who spend their time debugging or making their code more efficient only to earn a few extra points for one question. Sometimes it's best to just move on and return to that question later on in the contest.
- The test data is guaranteed to fit within the constraints given. You do not have to perform any extra checks to make sure of this fact.
- It is guaranteed that all the problems will be solvable with C++ and Java.
At the end of the contest, you may comment below to appeal a judging verdict. In the case of appeals, the decision(s) of DMOJ staff is final. We also reserve the right to add additional test cases to the problems after the contest, if extremely wrong solutions are incorrectly judged as AC. We will make an announcement in-contest if we plan to add more test cases.
After the contest finishes, we'll have a optional feedback form we would like you to fill out.
Good luck!
Problem | Points | AC Rate | Users | Editorials |
DMOPC '14 Exam Time P1 - French Homework | 3 | 49.1% | 494 | Editorial |
DMOPC '14 Exam Time P2 - Physics Duel | 5p | 46.4% | 128 | Editorial |
DMOPC '14 Exam Time P3 - Chemistry Homework | 10p | 24.4% | 113 | Editorial |
DMOPC '14 Exam Time P4 - Exam Delay | 10p | 20.7% | 234 | Editorial |
DMOPC '14 Exam Time P5 - Happy Teachers | 15p | 22.0% | 182 | Editorial |
DMOPC '14 Exam Time P6 - Math Homework | 15p | 24.5% | 63 | Editorial |