Editorial for Yet Another Contest 6 P1 - No More Separation
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
Let's rephrase this problem in terms of graph theory. We are required to generate a connected graph with nodes and
bidirectional unweighted edges, such that sum of distances between all pairs of nodes is minimised.
Subtask 1
In this subtask, the graph is a tree. We can show that the optimal tree is a star graph, in which one node is connected to every other node. This is because there must be exactly pairs of nodes which are a distance of
apart in any construction, and for the remaining pairs of nodes, the star graph guarantees that they are a distance of
Time complexity:
Subtask 2
Again, there must be exactly pairs of nodes which are a distance of
apart, so any construction which guarantees that all remaining pairs of nodes are a distance of
apart will be optimal. This can be achieved by starting with a star graph, and repeatedly adding edges until there are
edges in total.
Time complexity: