Woburn Challenge 2017-18 Round 1 - Junior Division

Your friend Jim prides himself on doing the best impressions. On this
occasion, he's showing off what Canadians sound like. Unfortunately, his
idea of a Canadian accent simply consists of following words with
. Maybe that's not so inaccurate, eh?
Jim is given a single word, a non-empty string made up of at most
lowercase/uppercase letters. He'll then produce his Canadian-ified
version of that word, simply by appending the string
, eh
onto the
end of .
Given , help Jim determine the resulting string which he should
pronounce in order to achieve the perfect Canadian accent!
Input Specification
The first and only line of input consists of a single string, .
Output Specification
Output a single string, with a "Canadian accent" (that is, with
, eh
added onto the end).
Sample Input
Sample Output
Snow, eh