There are three types of chameleons inhabiting New Waterloo Island - red, green, and blue. When two
chameleons of different colors meet, they both change their color to the third color and breed new
chameleons of that color. For example, when red and blue chameleons meet, they both become green as a
result of this encounter and
new green chameleons appear. When two chameleons of the same color meet,
nothing happens. When every single chameleon on the island becomes red, the communist revolution will
happen on the island. Your task is to determine whether there exists a sequence of chameleon encounters
that would lead to the communist revolution, and if such a sequence exists, give an example of one.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains three integers - the number of red, green, and blue chameleons. The
second line of input contains a single integer
Output Specification
Output YES
if the communist revolution can happen, and NO
otherwise. If you've outputted YES
, in the
next line print - the number of encounters. In the
lines that follow, print two characters separated by
a space, each of those characters being one of
, G
, B
. The symbols R
, G
, B
correspond to red, green, and
blue chameleons, and a string R B
would mean a meeting between red and blue chameleons. If there are
several ways to set up these encounters, print any one of them. However, the largest allowed is
beyond that, communist chameleons are going to give up their cause.
Sample Input 1
3 2 2
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample 1
In the first test, we're setting up two encounters between green and blue chameleons. The quantities of
chameleons are going to change as follows: . The revolution will happen!
Sample Input 2
17 7 4
Sample Output 2