G's are delivered through G-strings, which are made mostly of G's, and are not to be confused with the article of clothing. Sometimes, G's can be contaminated with other alphabetical characters—from old age or memory issues—and the integrity of the G-string becomes compromised.
Here is a prime G-string, made only of G's:
Here is a contaminated G-string, with some other characters among the G's:
G-strings may be contaminated to the point that they contain no G's at all!
G-strings are only as good as the longest run of G's in the G-strings. Define the integrity of a G-string as the number of G's that are present in the string. For example, the integrity of the first string, GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
, is . The integrity of the second string,
, is .
We can find the integrity of a substring of a G-string as well. Using zero-based indexing, the substring from positions 0 to 3, inclusive, of the second given G-string is:
The integrity of this substring is , as there is only one G in the entire substring. Create a program that, when given a G-string and a list of ranges queries, can determine the integrity of the substring within each range.
Input Specification
The input is a single line, containing the G-string to be examined. The length of the G-string is at most characters long and is comprised of only capital letter alphabetical characters.
On the second line is a single positive integer
, the number of queries the program must process. The next
lines each contain two non-negative integers
, where
is the length of the given G-string.
Output Specification
For each query and on separate lines, print the integrity of the substring between positions and
in the G-string, inclusive, and using zero-based indexing.
Sample Input 1
1 3
2 9
3 4
0 17
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
1 3
2 9
3 4
0 0
0 17
Sample Output 2
Is this really dynamic programming, or do I just not really understand what that is?
Will a query ever be repeated?
It has not been noted in the question statement and is not the reason for your TLE. https://dmoj.ca/problem/vmss7wc16c2p2#comment-2632
I know, I'm not doing the problem right, but I don't understand how prefix sum arrays help. Doing some research and learning.
TLE is destroying my brain! Any tips?
No regular user can see your submissions since the contest is still ongoing.
Sure, looking at my submission might help you come up with tips. but giving general information on making programs more efficient or efficient methods are also valuable information to a beginner like me.
This problem requires knowledge about prefix sum arrays. A quick Google search should be enough to figure out how to solve this.
I personally always called them tallies- have I been wrong this whole time?
I don't really understand how this is a Dynamic Programming question. Isn't this supposed to be Data Structures?