Fax McClad, Croneria's most curious bounty hunter, is interested in certain numbers.
A number is called a palindrome if it is the same when read left-to-right or right-to-left. For example, is a palindrome, and
is not. Leading zeroes are not part of a palindrome. For example,
is not a palindrome.
Fax also loves the number and any multiple of it.
Fax is interested in the palindromes that are divisible by between
, inclusive. He will do this
times. Can you tell him how many of these numbers there are?
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain
The lines of input follow. Each line will contain
For of the points,
For an additional of the points,
Output Specification
On separate lines, print the answer to each query.
Sample Input
2 2
10 50
100 300
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
For the first query, are the only palindromes in between
. Only
are divisible by
Would Anyone be so kind and give me some tips on my code?
Im struggling on passing batch 4 test case 13.
You are looping through every element in
and breaking when an element is larger thanM
(the upper bound). Sincearray
is sorted in your code, think of a searching technique that is more efficient than a linear scan.