Willson the Canada Goose is like any other Canada goose - he likes to eat grass. But, as anyone knows, there are different types of grass (e.g. green, blue, white, corn). Additionally, some humans like to feed geese with other foodstuffs (e.g. bread, pizza, hot dogs).
Each food type can provide energy to Willson or drain it away if it's unhealthy. Willson's energy can become negative. Willson must use up one unit of energy in order to move one meter. Willson cannot move if he has zero or negative energy, but he can still eat. You know the energy values of food types - the
food type is named
and has an energy value of
Willson sees food items in front of him. The food type of
item is
and the item is located
meters away from Willson's initial location. Willson will eat any food item that he encounters.
How many food items can Willson eat?
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain
lines of input will follow. The
line will contain a string
and an integer
. All
are pairwise unique.
The next line of input will contain
lines of input will follow. The
line will contain a string
and an integer
. It is guaranteed that
is equal to some
All strings will be at most 10 characters long and will only contain lowercase English letters.
It is guaranteed that .
Output Specification
Output a single integer, the number of food items that Willson can eat.
Sample Input
grass 5
bread 10
metal -100
bread 5
grass 0
grass 6
bread 10
metal 9
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
Willson first eats the food item, providing him
energy. Just as he runs out of energy, he encounters the
food item, which provides him
energy. He passes the
food item, providing him
more energy. However, he eats the
food item, which completely drains all of his energy and leaves him unable to move.