After his latest misadventure, the Tushan Foxen realized the peculiarity of the Yuechu family's reincarnation. After multiple reincarnations, Bai Yuechu has retained the souls of his previous ancestors. As such, it may occasionally be difficult to figure out which soul is in control of his body.
However, we know that each ancestor comes from a different era and consequently only know certain characters from that era. Since the problem setters are not evil, we will give you ASCII characters in place of the traditional Chinese characters that were originally used.
Each soul has an alphabet, consisting of lowercase English letters from a
to t
. Given a list of alphabets, help determine the minimum length of a string that could be used to determine which soul is in control. Specifically, give the length of a string of minimum length such that only one soul can speak that string using their alphabet. If there is no such string, output -1
Input Specification
Line 1: An integer (
), the number of souls.
Next lines: A sequence of lowercase English characters between
and t
on each line, each with at most characters.
Sample Input
Sample Output
One such string is aqt