As Jacques-Édouard really likes birthday cakes, he celebrates his birthday every hour, instead of every year. His friends ordered him a round cake from a famous pastry shop, and placed candles on its top surface. The number of candles equals the age of Jacques-Édouard in hours. As a result, there is a huge amount of candles burning on the top of the cake. Jacques-Édouard wants to blow all the candles out in one single breath.
You can think of the flames of the candles as being points in the same plane, all within a disk of
radius (in nanometers) centered at the origin. On that same plane, the air blown by Jacques-Édouard
follows a trajectory that can be described by a straight strip of width
, which comprises the area
between two parallel lines at distance
, the lines themselves being included in that area. What is
the minimum width
such that Jacques-Édouard can blow all the candles out if he chooses the best
orientation to blow?
Input Specification
The first line consists of the integers and
, separated with a space, where
is Jacques-Édouard's
age in hours. Then
lines follow, each of them consisting of the two integer coordinates
candle in nanometers, separated with a space.
- for
- all points have distinct coordinates.
Output Specification
Print the value as a floating point number. Your answer will be considered correct if it has an absolute or relative error of at most
Sample Input
3 10
0 0
10 0
0 10
Sample Output