National Olympiad in Informatics, China, 2000
Archaeologists have discovered that the several thousand-year-old
mathematics of the ancient Mei civilization was extremely advanced. They
understood methods of addition and multiplication for multi-digit
numbers. Their rules for representing expressions and performing
calculations are exactly the same as those used in the modern day
(addition of integers are in base-10, the leftmost digit is the
most-significant, the highest digit cannot be zero; expressions are
infix, multiplication comes before addition, etc.), with the only
exception being that mathematical symbols themselves are written
differently. There is sufficient evidence to show that ancient Mei
mathematics uses a total of operators which have a one-to-one
correspondence to the modern day symbols
. To simplify the representations of the symbols, we shall
use the first
alphabetical letters
in place of these
symbols (known as the ancient Mei mathematical symbols). The problem is,
no one currently knows the general relationship for matching the ancient
Mei mathematical symbols to modern mathematical symbols.
On a stone wall, archaeologists have discovered a set of equations expressed using the ancient Mei symbols. They have concluded that each row contains only one equal sign, the left and right sides of each equal sign contain mathematical expressions (containing only numbers and operators), and that expressions on the two sides of equal signs are equivalent.
Assuming that this set of equations is successful, please write a program that deciphers the relationship between ancient Mei mathematical symbols and modern mathematical symbols.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains an integer
Each of the following
lines contains an equation. Each equation
will consist of as few as
characters and as many as
Output Specification
If there does not exist a possible relationship that satisfies the set
of equations, output noway
on a single line.
If there exists a possible mapping that satisfies the set of equations,
output all the mappings between ancient Mei symbols and modern symbols
that are known for certain. Each line should contain two characters,
where the first character is an ancient Mei mathematical symbol and the
second character is the modern mathematical symbol to which it is
mapped. Output the mappings in alphabetical order.
Sample Input
Sample Output
In the sample above, the possibilities for the equations in modern
symbols are ,
, and
. It
can be seen that the confirmed relationships only consist of a mapping
to 6,
, and
, which should be
outputted. Although possible mappings for
can be successfully
found, there is no unique relationship for them, and thus they should
not be outputted. The other ancient Mei mathematical symbols
are completely unverifiable, and also should not be outputted.
Problem translated to English by .