2009 Mock DWITE by A.J.: Problem 2
Having just learned what primes are in math class, Boxer wants to put this newly acquired skill to the test. Given a number that is missing a digit, help Boxer list all possible digits that makes this number prime.
Input Specification
The input will contain five lines, each containing a string of
characters which consists of up to characters. Exactly one of these
characters will be an underscore (
), while the rest will be digits.
The first character in the string will never be the digit zero. This
string represents an integer with one missing digit. (The missing digit
is represented by the underscore.)
Output Specification
For each line given in input, in the order given, print one line
containing a space-separated list of digits sorted in ascending order
which can be used to fill in the blank for the missing digit such that
the number generated is prime, or the string Not possible
if there is
no digit which fulfils the requirement.
Sample Input (only three sets shown)
Sample Output
1 3 7 9
3 4
Not possible
In the first case, there are four primes that can be obtained by filling
in the blank: ,
, and
, obtained by filling in the blank with
the digits
, and
, respectively.
In the second case, there are two five-digit primes starting with and
ending with
, and they are
, obtained by filling in the
blank with
, respectively.
In the third case, regardless of the digit filling the blank, will be
a proper factor, so no choice yields a prime number.