2014 Mock CCC by Alex and Timothy
Alice has a crush on her friend Bob, but she is too shy to express it. From an ancient recipe passed down through her family, she has concocted a vial of love potion. She plans to slip this potion into Bob's food every day so he will love her forever. The only problem is that the potion is so potent, taking too much can make Bob overdose, resulting in him being utterly indifferent towards her.
According to a note on the recipe, if some amount of the potion is
ingested one day, only of that amount is retained in the
body on the next day, and
of that amount is retained on the day after
that. You are given
, the amount of love potion in mL that
Alice gives to Bob on the first and second day, respectively, and
the recommended dosage in mL, according to her recipe. Write a program
to determine whether Bob overdoses on the first day, the second day, or
neither. Note that if Bob overdoses on the first day, he cannot overdose
again on the second.
Input Specification
Three lines, containing the three non-negative integers ,
, and
, each no greater than
Output Specification
If he overdoses on the first day, output Bob overdoses on day 1.
he overdoses on the second day, output Bob overdoses on day 2.
Otherwise, output Bob never overdoses.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Bob overdoses on day 2.
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
Bob never overdoses.
For the first example, Alice slips Bob mL of the potion on day one,
of which, only
mL remain in Bob's body on day two.
mL is added on
top of the
mL that he ingests on day two to make
mL, which is
barely enough to make him overdose the recommended dosage of
For the second example, the amount from day one reduces to mL on day
two, when he is given another
mL to yield a total of
mL for the
second day.
mL happens to be just the right dosage, so he does not