Maniacal Midsummer Marathon 2014 by AL, TL, JJ
The school year is finally coming to a close, and you're dying to get
out of school. However, there's still one subject that has yet to be
fully taken care of - English. Writing essays is the bane of your
existence, but you still have a final essay due that's worth of your
final grade. Your English mark is currently at a whopping
, and all
that really matters now is passing (with a
). Luckily, your English
teacher also happens to be the CompSci teacher, so some strings may be
pulled to save your butt.
You calculated that if you get on this essay, your final grade will
- barely enough to pass! Considering that
you're a really bright programmer, your teacher pities you quite a bit,
and has decided to make a deal with you. He claims that he will give you
a bare minimum of
on your essay, provided that it is in proper essay
format with formal English, proper grammar, spelling, blah blah blah.
You really don't want him to eat his words and fail you by accident, so
you decided to make him clearly explain what he wants.
So you ask your teacher, "hey mister, what exactly is a formal essay format?" In response, he asks you what you've even been doing the entire year in his class, but you do not succumb to his begging of the question. Finally, he gives in to you because he is impressed by how much you care about this assignment. Being a CompSci teacher, he decides to send you the formal definition of an English essay in Backus-Naur form (BNF).
In BNF, a language or article can be described using a list of symbol
definitions. Each definition associates a symbol (represented by an
identifier in <>
angle-brackets) to an expression. An expression is
any combination of concatenations and/or unions of symbols, literal
values, and expressions.
For example, a BNF definition for any integer is as follows:
<integer> ::= "0" | [ "-" ] <natural-number>
<natural-number> ::= <non-zero-digit> { <digit> }
<non-zero-digit> ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<digit> ::= 0 | <non-zero-digit>
In the above example: ::=
indicates a definition. Any series of
consecutive expressions indicate a concatenation, meaning that all those
expressions must be matched in the order given by the definition. |
denotes a union, indicating that either the expression on the left or
the expression on the right side of the sign can be matched. An
expression in curly brackets {}
indicates that it may be matched or
more times. An expression in square brackets
indicates that it may
be matched or
times. Note that quotations marks around literal
values are optional. However, literals that are not enclosed in
quotations are assumed to not have any leading, trailing, or joining
spaces. That means the definition of
<foo> ::= ab | a "b" | "a" b | "ab" | <a> <b>
<a> ::= "a"
<b> ::= b
will strictly accept nothing else except for the string ab
For the purposes of this problem, you may assume that literals
will only consist of upper and lowercase alphabetical characters from
to Z
, numerical digits from 0
to 9
, spaces, and punctuation.
You do not have to worry about quotation marks, or angled/square/curly
brackets being a part of string literals. Symbol names will be between
characters in length, and will only contain lowercase letters
to z
, numerical digits, and hyphens -
. We shall assume
that the special symbol <EOL>
represents an end-of-line character. For
the sake of simplicity in this problem, comparisons with definitions
and texts are not case sensitive.
For another example of BNF, we can try to define an actual essay. In order to define an essay with proper spelling, your teacher will first have to give you a large lexicon of valid words defined in BNF like the following. Don't worry, these lists will be provided to you in the same BNF definition list so that all symbols are defined.
<noun> ::= cat | mice | ...
<pronoun> ::= I | me | you | ...
<verb> ::= am | are | is | eats | ...
<adjective> ::= cool | smelly | smart | ...
<adverb> ::= quickly | slowly | ...
<article> ::= the | a | an | ...
Following this, we can define the actual structure of an essay. Below, an essay is defined as a series of paragraphs, which themselves are a series of pseudo-English sentences. For illustration purposes, this definition is very simple and clearly does not cover all English sentences. In actuality, your teacher may send you something much more rigorous and extensive.
Definition | Example Matches/Breakdown |
You may have noticed from the above, definitions can be recursive in nature, calling upon themselves. Furthermore, the order in which symbols are defined does not matter, as long as all of the symbols used in definitions are defined somewhere. The support for recursive definitions can sometimes lead to indeterminate definitions like the following:
<foo> ::= <foo>
<foo> ::= <bar>
<bar> ::= <foo>
In either of these two cases, we shall consider the number of accepted
strings by the defined symbols to be . Note that if we had defined
<foo> ::= <foo> | "a"
, then the set of all accepted strings would be
, and the definition would no longer be
Now back to your English essay.
Obviously, you would like to do as little work as possible to pass
English. So, given the Backus-Naur form that your teacher has sent you,
you would like to write a program that determines the length of the
shortest possible string accepted by the symbol <essay>
in the
Input Specification
The input will contain the proper format of the essay, using the
Backus-Naur form variant as described above. It is guaranteed that all
used symbols, including the symbol <essay>
, will be defined exactly
once in the input. Definitions may span across multiple lines, although
the start of a new definition will always be on a separate line than the
end of the previous definition. A literal in quotes will never span
across multiple lines. Symbols, literals, ::=
s, |
s, and brackets
will be separated by or more spaces. There may be up to
defined, and the size of the input will not exceed
MiB. There may be
empty lines in the input which you must ignore.
Note that the Backus-Naur form is not particularly standardized. It is mostly used to describe languages rather than to implement them, so different sources will have different variations. Some constructs used in this problem such as the quantifier brackets are part of the extended Backus-Naur form. The input will not employ any other constructs from this form (e.g. single quoted strings, comments, grouping with parentheses, etc.) unless it is explicitly mentioned in this problem statement.
Output Specification
The output should consist of a single integer - the length of the
shortest string accepted by the symbol <essay>
. Since the answer can
be very big, output it modulo
. An end-of-line
counts as character when matched. If the symbol's
definition is indeterminate, output
Sample Input 1
<integer> ::= "0" | [ "-" ] <natural-number>
<natural-number> ::= <non-zero-digit> { <digit> }
<non-zero-digit> ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<digit> ::= 0 | <non-zero-digit>
<essay> ::= <integer>
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample 1
Here, an essay is just an integer. The set of shortest strings for this
input is 0
Sample Input 2
<essay> ::= <paragraph> { <paragraph> }
<paragraph> ::= <sentence> "." { " " <sentence> "." } <EOL>
<sentence> ::= <noun-phrase> " " <verb-phrase>
<noun-phrase> ::= <pronoun> |
<noun> |
<article> " " <noun>
<verb-phrase> ::= <verb> |
<verb-phrase> " " <noun-phrase> |
<verb-phrase> " " <adverb> |
<verb-phrase> " " <adjective>
<noun> ::= cat | mice
<pronoun> ::= I | me | you
<verb> ::= am | are | is | eats
<adjective> ::= cool | smelly | smart
<adverb> ::= quickly | slowly
<article> ::= the | a | an
Sample Output 2
Explanation for Sample 2
One possible shortest string is I am.
followed by an EOL character,
for a total length of .