Mock CCC '20 Contest 1 J3 - A Geometry Problem

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Points: 3 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 1G

Problem type

koosaga is drawing a logo for the next iteration of the KAIST contest. He has gotten lazy, so he has taken a rectangle of length X and height Y and drawn the two diagonals of the rectangle, forming four small triangles. He wishes to know the area of one of these triangles in the figure he has drawn.


1 \le X, Y \le 10^9

In tests worth 14 marks, \max(X, Y) \le 10.

Input Specification

The input will consist of two positive integers, X and Y, X on the first line and Y on the second.

Output Specification

Output, on a single line, the area of one of the given triangles. The area must be printed with exactly two digits after the decimal point.

Sample Input


Sample Output



  • 0
    Crakxinator  commented on Feb. 13, 2025, 4:16 p.m.

    wuts wrong with my code, idk

  • 1
    Misaka  commented on Oct. 10, 2022, 5:41 a.m.

    for the later ones : USE LONG (java)

  • 7
    Brian_Li23  commented on Jan. 18, 2021, 9:01 p.m. edited

    Can anyone (who's finished this question) tell me what's wrong with my code? I keep test case 2 of batch 2 wrong.

    • -11
      SuperClash  commented on Jan. 19, 2021, 1:13 a.m. edited

      This comment is hidden due to too much negative feedback. Show it anyway.

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    ross_cleary  commented on Feb. 27, 2020, 9:08 p.m. edited

    I don't think the intended solution uses long doubles, but I am not sure.

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      sushi  commented on Feb. 27, 2020, 10:06 p.m. edited

      No, the intended solution does not use long doubles.