Editorial for IOI '18 P2 - Seats
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
Subtask 1
Determine whether a set of squares forms a rectangle or not in time and deal with each query in
Subtask 2
Let the square where the number is written be
. The sufficient and necessary condition of
forming a rectangle is:
Here, moves between
Check if these conditions hold from to
inductively in
Subtask 3
If , the next
satisfying the condition is not less than
So it is enough to determine this condition in numbers.
This condition is determinable independently in time using a segment tree. Then each query is dealt with in
Subtask 4
Memorize and
for each
and recalculate them for
between the two swapped numbers for each query.
Subtask 5
Take arbitrarily and color the squares with numbers
black and the squares with numbers
white (and add white squares outside of the rectangle.)
The sufficient and necessary condition of black squares forming a rectangle is that the number of pairs of adjacent two squares with different colors is two.
Manage the numbers of such pairs of squares for all values of and count the number of
s satisfying the condition efficiently using a lazy propagation segment tree and deal with each query in
Subtask 6
Like above, take arbitrarily and color the squares with numbers
black and the squares with numbers
white (and add white squares outside of the rectangle.)
Pay attention to two-times-two squares (sets of adjacent four squares.)
The sufficient and necessary condition of black squares forming a rectangle is as follows:
- There are only four two-times-two squares which contain exactly one black square.
- There are no two-times-two squares which contain exactly three black squares.
Manage the numbers of such two-times-two squares for all values of and count the number of
s satisfying the condition efficiently using a lazy propagation segment tree and deal with each query in