Editorial for IOI '17 P2 - Wiring
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
Subtask 1
There are many different Dynamic Programming (DP) solutions with or
running time for this subtask. The simplest one is to define
as the minimum cost needed for wiring the first
red points and the first
blue points. The update is like:
Subtask 2
This subtask is to find the pattern of wiring. A simple solution to this subtask is to calculate:
Subtask 3
Consider the consecutive clusters of points with the same color. The idea is that each wire will have endpoints in two consecutive clusters, so the solutions could be optimized to
Subtask 4
This subtask could be solved by a greedy algorithm that divides each cluster into two halves and connects the left half to the left cluster and the right half to the right cluster. The middle point of a cluster with an odd number of points should be considered separately.
Optimal solution
There is an DP solution: let
be the minimum total distance of a valid wiring scheme for the set of point
and all points to the left of it. This could be updated with an
amortized time complexity.