WCIPEG 2018 ECOO Qualifier
The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) is a prestigious committee who study computer science. The Educational Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Organization of Ontario (EECOOOO) is a prestigious committee who study Educational Computing Organization of Ontario science. The Educational Educational Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Organization of Ontario Organization of Ontario (EEECOOOOOO) is a prestigious committee who study Educational Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Organization of Ontario science.
Acronyms for these organizations follow a certain pattern. Organization
names contain the string Educational
repeated several times, then the
string Computing
, followed by the string Organization of Ontario
Similarly, acronyms follow the pattern E
, repeated, then C
, followed
by OO
. Given an acronym, output the corresponding string.
Input Specification
Line 1 will have integer , the number of test cases. The next
lines will have one string each. The input string will have less than
characters. It is guaranteed that the acronym will be valid.
Output Specification
The output should be lines, each with the corresponding full name to
the acronym.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Educational Educational Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Organization of Ontario Organization of Ontario