A palindrome is a word that has the exact same sequence of letters when read forwards or backwards. The words noon
and radar
are palindromes, whereas the words noob
and palindrome
are not.
Patty loves palindromes, as she finds them soothing. Patty knows that you can turn any word into a palindrome by adding letters to the left and / or right. For example, you can turn ECOO
. Patty loves palindromes so much that any time she sees a word written down somewhere, she immediately converts it to a palindrome in her head.
The input will contain test cases. Each test case consists of a single line containing a string of lowercase characters of maximum length of
. Your code should output the minimum number of letters Patty would need to add to the left and / or the right in order to convert the string to a palindrome.
Note that the sample input below contains only test cases but the actual data files will contain
Sample Input
Sample Output
Question Development Team
Sam Scott (Sheridan College)
Kevin Forest (Sheridan College)
Stella Lau (University of Cambridge)
Reyno Tilikaynen (University of Waterloo)
John Ketelaars (ECOO-CS Communications)
David Stermole (ECOO-CS President)
Educational Computing Organization of Ontario - statements, test data and other materials can be found at ecoocs.org
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Can somebody look at my solution please? I know my solution works but it is too slow.....I guess I should be using the "failed" palindrome tests to somehow optimize the future substrings that I need to check, but can't figure out how to do so.
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Additionally, there are at least two distinct ways of doing the problem.
I can only think of one algorithm. Will learn more tho
It can be done with Java though
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Does anyone know what the error code:
(stopped (signal))
for my submission means?We recently made it so we translate signal codes into readable descriptions (so you can get feedback like "Segmentation fault" or "Floating point error" instead of just "RTE").
"Stopped (signal)" is caused by
being received by your process.Under what circumstances will that happen?
Are the ECOO problems supposed to be ordered easiest to hardest?
Not necessarily.