In addition to creating problems for the ECOO competition, I have an unusual landscaping business on the side. I create custom-made "Word Gardens". To make a Word Garden, I take one of my customers' favourite quotations, turn each word in the quotation into a tree, and then plant the trees in rows, packing them as tightly together as I can.
Here's an example, using a paraphrased quote from Hubert Dreyfus' classic book, What Computers Can't Do. The original quote was, "Since the Greeks invented logic and geometry the idea that all reasoning might be reduced to some kind of calculation has fascinated most of the West's rigorous thinkers".
G invenevni
GrG inventnevni
S GrerG inventetnevni l
SiS GreeerGinventedetnevnilol
SiniS GreekeerG i logol
SincniSGreekskeerG n logigol
SincecniSt G v logicigol
S tht r e l
i theht e n o
n t e t g
c h k e i
e e s d c
g reaer
geg reasaer
geoeg reasosaer
geomoeg reasonosaer
geomemoeg reasoninosaer
geometemoeg reasonininosaer
geometrtemoeg reasoningninosaer
geometryrtemoeg r
g i t e
e idi tht a
a o t idedi thaht a s
ana m thtideaedithatahtala o
andna etheht i t alllan
a t t d h a i
n r h e a l n
d y e a t l g
m reducuder
mim reducecuder
migimreducedecuders k
mighgim r sos kik
mighthgim e somos kinik
m d somemoskindnik
i b u t s k o
gbeb ctot o iofo
h b e t m n o
t e d o e d f
calac f
calclac faf
calcuclac fasaf
calculuclac fascsaf
calculaluclac fascicsaf
calculataluclac fascinicsaf
calculatitaluclac fascinanicsaf
calculatioitaluclac fascinatanicsaf
c fascinatedetanicsaf
a f
l a
c s m
u c mom
l h i mosom
a hah nmostsom
thasah a m o
i h t oofo
o a e s o
n s d t f
r t
rir tht
rigir thiht
rigogir thiniht
W rigorogir thinkniht
WeW rigororogir thinkekniht
WeseW rigorouorogir thinkerekniht
West'tseW r t
West's'tseW i h
t W g i
tht e o n
thehts r k
t t o e
h ' u r
e s s s
Notice that each word tree has a "trunk" consisting of the original word repeated twice vertically, and then "leaves" added to the top half of the trunk so that each level of leaves corresponds to an increasing portion of the word, repeated forwards and backwards and centered on the trunk. The tree for the word Since
is shown at right.
The word trees are always planted in rows with an exact width of characters. I plant the trees from left to right, placing each one as far to the left as I can without overlapping any previously planted tree. The ground consists of
characters, and the maximum height of any tree is characters (not including the ground).
The input will contain lines of text. Each line of text will contain a list of words with each pair of words separated by a single space character. Each word will consist of a sequence of alphanumeric characters (and possibly also punctuation characters in some cases).
Each line of text should be turned into a line of trees, as described above. The ground should always have exactly
characters. Each line of trees will always fit into a space of rows by
Sample Input
Since the Greeks invented logic
and geometry the idea that all reasoning
might be reduced to some kind of
calculation has fascinated most of
the West's rigorous thinkers
Sample Output
See above. Note that each new row of trees should appear in the output window below the row before, not beside it as shown here. The rows are only shown side by side to save space.
Educational Computing Organization of Ontario - statements, test data and other materials can be found at