ICPC East Central NA Regional Contest 2019, Problem C
The "We Cut The Cheese" specialty food store sells specialized blendings of cheeses. For example, their Italian Blend is made up of provolone,
mozzarella and
parmesan, while their African Safari is made up of
areesh with just a hint
of bokmakiri. You started working at the store as a cheese blend taster, but two years and
pounds later you have worked your way up to head of the accounting office. Every week the store gets various shipments of cheeses, depending on the time of year, market price and other factors. Given these amounts and the percentages required for each cheese blend, you are asked every week to determine the optimal use of these cheeses to maximize profit. When the store just made a few different cheese blends this could be done by hand, but with business expanding faster than a cheese soufflé, the number of blends has also grown to the point where a program is now needed to determine the optimal use of the cheese shipments. So the question is: Are you gouda-nough to write such a program?
Input Specification
Input starts with a line containing two positive integers (
), where
is the number of types of cheese used to make the cheese blends and
is the number of different cheese blends offered by the store. The next line contains
), where
is the number of pounds of cheese type
that the store has on-hand. Following this are
lines of the form
), where
indicates the percentage of cheese
found in the blend, and
is the profit per pound for the blend. Percentages are given with one decimal place, profits are given with two decimal places.
Output Specification
Output the maximum profit that can be obtained for the given pounds of cheese, blending percentages and profits, assuming all of the blended cheeses get sold. Round your answer to the nearest penny.
Sample Input 1
3 2
100 150 100
50.0 50.0 0.0 3.20
0.0 50.0 50.0 2.80
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
3 2
100 150 100
50.0 50.0 0.0 3.20
0.0 40.0 60.0 2.80
Sample Output 2