Given an array of numbers (initially, each number is set to
), you need to answer
queries of
1 i' v'
: Add to the
2 l' r' x'
: Query the sum after undoing the
most recent type
queries (note: the undo queries are NOT persistent).
It is guaranteed that there have been at least type
Input Specification
The first line will contain and
, the number of elements in the array and the number of queries.
The next lines will contain a query from those listed above.
Note that this problem will be online enforced, meaning that input will be given in an encrypted format. To encrypt the data, the values in queries will be given as
, and
, where
denotes the bitwise XOR operation. Note that
at any time is defined as the answer to the latest query. If no queries have occurred so far,
Output Specification
Output the answer to each type query.
Sample Input (Encrypted)
5 6
1 1 5
1 5 9
2 1 5 0
2 15 11 15
1 6 7
2 4 0 5
Sample Input (Unencrypted)
5 6
1 1 5
1 5 9
2 1 5 0
2 1 5 1
1 3 2
2 1 5 0
Sample Output